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Genetische Diagnostik - Allgemeine Informationen
Hereditary foundations and causes

Genetic Counseling and Diagnosis

Many diseases and developmental conditions are influenced by hereditary factors. Genetic tests play a crucial role in the predictive diagnosis of diseases within families. By identifying specific gene variants, healthy family members can be tested to determine if they carry the risk of developing the disease. This allows for the exclusion of diseases or, if necessary, the implementation of preventive measures to prevent the onset of the disease or to treat it early.

With predictive diagnosis in human genetics, we offer you new avenues for your individual health care. We provide comprehensive advice to you and your family, developing a personalized approach for the prevention and treatment of genetically related diseases to promote the health and quality of life of each family member.

Why genetic consulting?

Genetic counseling may be beneficial for you if a clinical diagnosis has been made and genetic confirmation is desired, or if there appears to be a genetic predisposition in the family or it has already been identified. Naturally, we provide comprehensive counseling before and after genetic testing.

Beratung Allgemeine-Informationen Genetische-Diagnostik
Components and insurance coverage

Genetic Counseling at Hanse Genetik

Upon receiving your request for human genetic counseling and examination, we conduct a comprehensive family history assessment at our human genetics practice, gathering information about your personal and family history spanning three generations. This includes the creation of a family pedigree, providing valuable insights into potential genetic risks and diseases. Following the family history assessment, a physical examination may be conducted to gather additional information and identify potential health issues.

We will explain the various genetic tests that can be performed, with special emphasis on elucidating the underlying inheritance pattern and associated disease risks for you and your relatives. Upon evaluation of the test results, we will collaborate with you and your treating physicians to discuss and recommend clinical examinations or therapies. Furthermore, we will discuss potential implications for your family planning and consider aspects of your life planning and insurance needs. We also offer connectivity to additional specialist and psychological support if necessary, including therapy recommendations and discussions of further preventive examinations in consultation with treating physicians. Finally, we will prepare a detailed written report serving as a guide for you and your treating physicians, comprehensively documenting all discussed aspects.

Good to KnowGenetic counseling is a standard service covered by both public health insurance and private insurance policies, which you can access without any additional payment.

Center for Human Genetics
Dr. med. Harald Ludwig
Specialist in Human Genetics

Tel +49 40 5379 835-30
Fax +49 40 5379 835-50
Mobile +49 172 9788268

Appointments are only given by prior arrangement

Please schedule an appointment by phone in advance.

Office Hours

Monday to Friday
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Consultation centres

Forum Winterhude
Winterhuder Marktplatz 6-7
22299 Hamburg

Evangelische Stiftung Alsterdorf
Elisabeth-Flügge-Straße 1
22337 Hamburg

Sozialpädiatrisches Zentrum im Kinderzentrum Mecklenburg
Wismarsche Straße 306
19055 Schwerin

Hanse Genetik Zentrum © 2024 · Dr. med. Harald Ludwig · Office and laboratory for human genetic advice and diagnostics